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About Oxana

Rusoaica, fiica unui magnat, dura si ambitioasa. Destinul ei a luat o intorsatura neasteptata atunci cand a ales sa se casatoreasca intr-o tara islamica cu reguli stricte. Pentru a scapa de colivia de aur in care a fost inchisa, ea a recurs la o inselatorie care i-a adus viata la care visa. Noua Oxana viseaza sa devina cea mai bogata si puternica femeie din lume, scopul ei fiind sa faca bani cu orice pret.

Russian woman, the daughter of a tycoon, tough and ambitious. Her destiny took an unexpected turn when he chose to marry in an Islamic country with strict rules. To get rid of the golden cage that was closed, she resorted to a trick that brought life to that dream. New Oxana dreams of becoming the richest and strongest woman in the world, its purpose being to make money at any cost.(This is Diana's Role from @Love and Honor .. a romanian movie, bby :-* )

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